Incorporating New Tiles to a Backsplash When Remodeling Your Kitchen

by | Aug 14, 2019 | Flooring


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Creating a beautiful backsplash could be the most important part of remodeling your kitchen. You have added a lot of different things to your kitchen that will make it look beautiful, and you should build a backsplash that brings it all together. You can incorporate color, style, and design into these tiles, and you can order pieces from tile stores in Brooklyn that will look perfect in your new kitchen while also appearing to be completely unique. Here are a few things you need to know about updating your kitchen’s backsplash.

What Is a Backsplash?
The backsplash sits behind your stove and oven. This area of the wall could be extended all the way around the room to give you the best possible styling, and you will see something very consistent. Plus, you need to make sure to look at how the backsplash is colored, and consider if you would like to design something like a picture or monogram, and how big the backsplash is.

The Height of the Backsplash
The backsplash should be the appropriate height for your kitchen. Some people like to take up a lot of extra space using their backsplash, but others want a slim ribbon of color along the wall. You simply need to decide how much space you want to take up when you are building the backsplash. Plus, you could get very large or very small tiles that will help bring the design together.

The Kitchen Becomes More Valuable
When you search tile stores in Brooklyn for tiles for your backsplash, you can create a design that will make your home that much more valuable. These are great things to buy because they will increase the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen, and a kitchen remodel can increase the value of your home or condo significantly. Many people are willing to pay extra for modern and creative design elements when you are ready to sell. Plus, you can let your creative spirit run free as you design a new backsplash.

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